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Visit the Imprisoned Corporal Works of Mercy Clip Art

Painting of the Works of Mercy ©Jen Norton

"The Works of Mercy" 36×48″ Acrylic on canvas

The Pope has declared 2016 a "Jubilee Year of Mercy" in the Catholic church, an opportunity for faith-filled people to mindfully practice acts of mercy among their families, communities and in the larger world. No matter what your belief organization, practicing works of mercy has the power to both enrich your soul and help convalesce the hardship of another, if you're brave plenty to take it on.

So what is Mercy anyway? To quote Fr. Jim Keenan of Boston College, "Mercy is entering into the anarchy of another person's life." It's acknowledging the worthiness in another and offering hope and healing.

"Mercy is entering into the anarchy of another person's life."

And why does it require bravery? Because when you willingly footstep into another person's chaos, fifty-fifty with the best of intentions, you might be rejected. Or judged. Or even harmed. And to pace TOWARD another soul, you often must step AWAY from your own judgement virtually information technology. If you've ever thought almost giving a homeless person a dollar, and then judged that they might non use it in the way you lot'd similar them to, you know what that feels like.

As followers of Christ, nosotros are supposed to be the hands and anxiety of Jesus in this globe. Simply looking upwardly at the cross, we realize just how hard that tin can be. In His most passionate act of mercy on our behalf, Jesus' hands and anxiety are broken and haemorrhage. They are pierced with nails and He cries out, "I thirst." He has been rejected. It'southward non pretty or easy; It is the ultimate surrender to God's volition. But He offers information technology to usa anyway, knowing we are worthy of Easter.

Several years ago I was volunteering at Sacred Heart Community Services in my town. I was working in the clothing shop, where families tin can come in and shop for costless from donated items. A woman came through the line who looked to exist in pretty bad shape and nosotros had a few moments of conversation during the "bank check-out" process. She had teeth missing and what sounded like a painful coughing. In those few minutes I learned that she had walked several miles to get to the middle that morning, and would now be walking back with her cart. Information technology had been raining, so the streets were wet. I must have said something similar "I hope you have a dainty walk back"…apathetic, blah, the usual small talk. I don't really recollect what I said, just I'll never forget her response. She looked me direct in they eye and touched my hand saying, "Anoint you lot and all that you do." Information technology wasn't merely the words, but how she said it. I really felt Christ in that moment. Truthfully, I wasn't doing that much. Just for those few moments we shared, she probably felt like a regular customer having regular conversation in a regular store, and she was all-nowadays in the moment. I may have "stepped into her anarchy" by being physically there in the store that mean solar day. But she stepped dorsum into MY chaos and affirmed that I was doing something of eternal value. And that's what Mercy does. Love and intendance freely given can offer both parties the promise that they are worthy of God's compassion and beloved. Everybody wins. The Kingdom Comes when His Volition is done.

Then are you lot upwards for practicing some Mercy? Yous've got 14 means to try it out, including…

the Corporal works of mercy (works that tend to actual needs of others):
• Feed the hungry
• Requite beverage to the thirsty
• Clothe the naked
• Shelter the homeless
• Visit the sick
• Visit the imprisoned
• Bury the dead

the Spiritual works of mercy (works that tend to spiritual suffering of others):
• Instruct the ignorant
• Counsel the hundred-to-one
• Admonish sinners
• Bear wrongs patiently
• Forgive offenses
• Comfort the affected
• Pray for the living and the dead

Even if yous only choice one, the globe will be a better identify. Pope Francis offers further educational activity to a modern earth saying, "Every give-and-take, every gesture, whether in conversation, social media, or email, ought to reveal God's compassion."

Let's get to work!

My "Works of Mercy" artwork and products can be purchased here:

Photography Prints
